Noroi the Curse, or: Ghost fetuses assemble

I never thought I’d get to the point of being sick of creepy children and complex supernatural drama from Asia but here we are.

November accidentally became an extension of spooky season and that’s fine but I’m absolutely gagging to hang out with a gang of harried executive women in quaint country towns – all learning about what’s important whilst falling in love with annoying yet sexually attractive men (usually widowers) in the build up to Christmas day. Shitty Crimbo movie season can’t get here soon enough.

Until then however, just one more ghostly tale to cover.

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A Tale of Two Sisters, or: Baggage

I don’t really have a clever intro for this week’s post. Just that we continue our South East Asian chapter of the Collab – and this week we’re in Korea, spending time with a well-loved psychological ghost story.

Which is heaven, really.

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Pulse, or: Judge (Existential) Dread

J and I struggle often to come up with the themes for our blog collab, so this month’s was picked out of the ether just because. Welcome to South East Asian month which will cover a variety of countries, including Korea, Japan and well, wherever else we fancy. There’s not always rhyme or reason to why we do things but we’ll do them in style. Probably.

This week I chose something spooky because apparently I’m finding it hard to leave Halloween month behind. It’s also been in my pipeline for many years so, better two decades late that never?

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